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The Order Process

Within the order process, staff and Constituents can progress through a multiple step process where they select one or more product(s) which are added to a cart. Throughout the process, staff and Constituents can select related options for the type of product—like shipping and tax options for merchandise—and apply payment. When the process is complete, the cart is submitted and turned into an order which can later be edited or cancelled.

Optimize Order Submission Process

The Order Submission process continues to be the most resource intensive operation in Nimble AMS. During the course of the submission orders, items, lines, payments, and other history records are generated. Additionally, carts, items, lines, and cart payments are also deleted. Deletion is a slow process. Additionally, deleting carts requires additional queries and DML to complete before the user can continue.

To increase order submission speed, and improve the SOQL, DML, and CPU time limits during order submission, we activating AsyncOrderCartDelete for Nimble AMS. To do this, follow the below steps:

  1. From Setup, enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Metadata Types.

  2. Click Manage Records next to the Tag of Nimble AMS.

  3. Click Edit next to AsyncOrderCartDelete.

  4. Select Is Active 

  5. Click Save.

Order Pages in Community Hub

  • On the My Checkout Page, constituents can view the constituent in their cart, make changes to their selections, add their payment information and submit the order.
  • On the My Orders Page, constituents can review their personal or company's outstanding orders and click to browse to the My Invoice Page to review each invoice in detail and submit payment.
  • On the Donate Now Page, constituents can make a one time donation toward a fund of their choosing. If the gift was made without logging into Community Hub, constituents are taken to the Donate Now Thanks Page after submission.
  • On the Order Summary Page, s can review the details of the order they just submitted.
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