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Stored Payment Methods

You can streamline your constituent's checkout experience by letting them pay with a stored payment method in Community Hub and in Staff View. Your constituents can view and quickly add, edit, or remove their stored payment methods in Community Hub as well as use the Pay Now - Saved Payment option at checkout to place an order without re-entering their payment information. If using BluePay or CardPointe as your payment gateway then you can use their respective Card Account Updater to keep stored payment method information up to date ensuring payments are coming in without hassle.

All staff can view a constituent's stored payment methods and those with granted permissions can add, edit, or remove them from the constituent's account in Staff View. For simplified checkout, payment methods are available for staff in the Staff View order process.

It's recommended that you read this page first and then go to Enable Stored Payment Methods.


There are two different types you can choose from when creating a stored payment method:

  • Credit Card—Constituents can store one or more of their credit or debit cards to make payments without having to reenter their card information with each purchase.
  • eCheck—Constituents can store one or more of their bank accounts to make eCheck payments without having to reenter their account information with each purchase.

If you are using the Authorize.Net payment gateway, constituents are limited to having a maximum of 10 stored payment methods at a time. If constituents add 10 stored payment methods, they must remove one before they can add a new one.

Automatic Updates

If you use the BluePay and CardPointe payment gateway, you can keep stored payment method information up to date to ensure payments are coming in without hassle. By enabling Card Account Updater with BluePay and CardPointe, all Discover®, MasterCard®, and Visa® stored payment methods are kept up to date with the most current card information each time you run a billing. When enabled, Nimble AMS automatically updates payment information on the stored payment method when a payment is made using that stored payment method, and double checks the information during the settlement of a payment. Updated payment information that can include a new account number—Nimble AMS only stores the last four digits—new card expiration date, and a new name on the card.

BluePay and CardPointe charges a fee per individual update to a stored payment method. This means you are charged when a stored payment method is updated with a new account number, new card expiration date, a new name on the card, or the account is closed. Fees are credited to your BluePay and CardPointe account. Learn more about the BluePay Account Updater (external).

Information Storage

For security purposes, no sensitive payment information is stored in Nimble AMS. Sensitive payment information like the full card or account number and security code resides in the payment gateway only. Helpful information like the last four digits of the card or account number, the card type, and billing address are stored in the payment gateway and Nimble AMS so you can use them in your analytics.

When stored payments are removed, the related record is deleted in Nimble AMS. If there is ever a need to reconcile a payment made with a deleted payment method, the payment contains historical information about the payment method used.


Staff can create list views, reports and dashboards to identify payments made from Community Hub using stored payment methods. Using Created By External Payment Method and External Payment Profile on the Payment object, staff can identify payments made using a stored payment method.

Stored payment methods are represented using the External Payment Profile object. Be sure to use the External Payment Profile object when making reports and dashboards.

Payment Reconciliation

In Nimble AMS

All payments made with a stored payment method create the same payment records made by other forms of payment. Each payment record is stamped with the same payment details—such as the last four digits of the credit card number—as well as additional information to identify that it came from a stored payment method.

You can use any existing reports for reconciling credit card payments, as payments made with a stored credit card appear alongside those made with a onetime credit card payment. If your association is using eCheck, you should consider creating a new payment reconciliation report for eChecks which filters for those payments made with an eCheck. This can be done by cloning an existing payment reconciliation report. Be sure to include the Settlement Date and Settlement Fail fields when creating your metrics. This means the check has most likely not cleared, and you should investigate further.

In the Payment Gateway

If at any time you want to reconcile specific payments in a payment gateway, you can use the External Id on the external profile connected to a constituent's Account to find specific token (BluePay)  or CardPointe or external profile (Authorize.Net) used to make payments in the payment gateway. You can also use the External Id on the Account's stored payment method to find the specific token (BluePay) or CardPointe or payment profile (Authorize.Net) in the payment gateway used to make the payment.

Here are a few tips for reconciliation in BluePay/CardPointe:

  • When viewing a transaction, there are two custom fields to help with reconciliation. Custom ID 1 contains the ID of the Nimble AMS batch and Custom ID 2 contains the ID of the Nimble AMS account.

  • When viewing a void transaction, Master ID contains a links to the original transaction.

How They Work in Community Hub

When stored payment methods is enabled in your org, constituents can add, manage, and use stored credit and debit cards in Community Hub. 

Managing a Stored Payment Method

On the My Payment Methods page, constituents can view, add, edit, or remove their stored payment methods and create new ones.  

Adding, Editing, or Removing a Stored Payment Method

On the My Payment Methods page, constituents can enter information to add or edit a stored credit card or eCheck bank account and can also remove a stored payment method.  Users can also create a stored payment method by checking the Save for Future Use  box while entering their payment details during checkout. The result will be a new stored payment method created which the user can view on the My Payment Methods page. 

Paying with a Stored Payment Method

Constituents can check out using their stored payment methods. Stored payment methods display differently on the Donate Now page depending on how the donation entity is configured on donation products as well as if you have set the primary entity for donations. 

How They Work in Staff View

When stored payment methods are enabled in your org, staff can add, manage, and use stored payment methods in the Staff View order process.

Viewing a Stored Payment Method

Staff can view the stored payment methods on an account to understand the constituent's stored credit cards and eCheck bank accounts.

Adding, Editing, or Removing a Stored Payment Method

With the NU Stored Payments permission set, staff can add, edit, or remove the stored payment method on an account to manage the constituent's stored credit cards and eChecks. Learn how to Manage Permission Set Assignments (external) and assign staff the NU Stored Payments permission set.

Paying with a Stored Payment Method

Staff can pay with a stored payment method on the Payment step of the Staff View order process.

Keep in mind that eCheck stored payment methods require customer authorization prior to processing a payment.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • As long as a credit card account has not been closed, a payment made using a stored payment method with incorrect account information will process normally. This is because the BluePay payment gateway/CardPointe payment gateway provides Nimble AMS a token, which is a unique and unchanging identification number to identify the stored payment method in the gateway. The payment information stored in Nimble AMS—such as the last four digits of the credit card number—is only for constituent and staff visibility and is not needed to process a payment in the payment gateway. Nimble AMS stores and passes along the token for secure and reliable payment processing.
  • The payment information for a stored payment method is updated only after a payment is made using that stored payment method. This means the stored payment method in Nimble AMS may not have the most up-to-date information—such as the latest last four digits of the credit card number—but the payment will still process normally since it is made using the token provided by BluePay/CardPointe. When a payment is made, and again when the payment is settled, constituents will be able to view the updated payment information in Community Hub and staff will be able to view the updated payment information in Staff View.
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