Staff can create a committee with description and term information.
Create a Committee
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Committees.
Click New Committee.
In Committee Name, enter the name of the committee.
Optionally, in Type, select the type of the committee.
Optionally, in Term (Months), enter the number of months a committee is intended to be active to help when creating reports.
Optionally, in Committee Short Name, enter a shortened name of the committee. This is useful when creating reports.
Optionally, in Short Description Name, enter a shortened description of the committee and its purpose. This is useful when creating reports.
Optionally, in Long Description Name, enter a description of the committee and its purpose. This is useful when creating reports.
Click Save.
Edit a Committee
From a Committee, click Edit.
Make desired changes.
Click Save.
Clone a Committee
Cloning a committee record does not clone related committee membership records.
From a committee record, click Clone.
Make desired changes.
Click Save.
Delete a Committee
In general, you should not delete the history of your constituents, including any committee records. If a committee is no longer assembling, we recommend editing the committee record and set Status to Inactive. This preserves the history of the committee and its members, and removes it from any views or reports that show active committees. Deleting a committee record is appropriate if the record was created in error.
From a Committee record, click Delete.
On the dialog box, click OK.
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