Staff can create an affiliation between a parent and child account to describe and visualize the relationship between the two. The affiliation also affects what information flows from the parent to the child account.
Create Affiliations
From an account:
To affiliate an individual to a company, in the Parent Affiliations related list, click New Affiliation.
To affiliate a company to an individual, in the Child Affiliations related list, click New Affiliation.
Enter affiliation information:
When affiliating an individual to a company, in Parent Account, enter the name of the company, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, Lookup, and select the account.
When affiliating a company to and individual, in Account, enter the name of the individual, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, Lookup, and select the account.
Optionally, to prevent address information from flowing from the parent account to the child account, select Do Not Flowdown Address.
Enter role information:
In Role, select one or more roles this affiliation represents.
Optionally, if this is the child account's primary affiliation from which information should flow down, select Primary Affiliation.
Optionally, when affiliating an individual to a company, select Primary Contact to designate the individual as the primary contact for the company. The individual's name and email are added to the company account.
Optionally, when affiliating an individual to a company, select Is Company Manager to allow the individual to act on behalf of the company in Community Hub.
Enter historical information:
Optionally, to enhance your demographics and track the span of the affiliation, in Start Date, enter the date on which the accounts became affiliated to one another.
Click Save.
Manage the Primary Affiliation of an Account
Staff can set an affiliation to be primary to designate that information should flow from a parent to a child account. An account can be affiliated to many accounts, but can only have one primary affiliation. The primary affiliation represents an individual's relationship to the company from which information flows down. Staff and constituents can view the constituent's primary affiliation and change is at any time, and the previously primary affiliation will be updated to no longer be primary, ensuring the individual is only primarily associated to one company.
The name of the parent company account displays in Primary Affiliation on the individual or company location account.
Set a Company Manager
Staff can set an individual account to be a manager for an affiliated company account. Once set, the individual can act on behalf of their company in Community Hub, to do things like:
Update their company demographic information
Manage their company roster and the roster of any child company locations
Create, edit, or remove individuals for their company or company locations
Create, edit, or remove company locations
Pay off an outstanding company invoice
Company mangers can manage child company locations and individuals under their primarily affiliated company, as well as those under a child company location. Company mangers can manage all affiliations to their company, and below. Thus, if someone is a company manager of a company location, they cannot mange the affiliations for the parent company.
Set a Company Primary Contact
Staff can set an individual account to be the primary contact for an affiliated company account. Once set, the individual's name and email are added to the company account. If your association uses authorized email domains, to ensure security, the email address of the primary contact is checked when a company manager is affiliating their company with the primary contact's company.
View Affiliations
Single Affiliation
From an account, in the Parent Affiliations or Child Affiliations related lists, click the Affiliation ID value for the affiliation you would like to view.
An Account's Primary Affiliation
From an account, click the value in Primary Affiliation.
A Collection of Affiliations
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Affiliations.
Select a list view–like All Affiliations–and click Go!
Work with your administrator to create some custom affiliation list views for your association. Examples: All Company Affiliations or New Affiliations This Week from Community Hub.
Remove Affiliations
Deactivate an Affiliation
From an account, in the Parent Affiliations or Child Affiliations related lists, click the Affiliation ID value for the affiliation you would like to inactivate.
In Status, select Inactive. This will cause Removal Date to be automatically set to the current date and time when you click Save.
Optionally, to help track the span of the affiliation, in End Date, enter the date on which the accounts were no longer affiliated.
Optionally, in Removal Reason, select the reason the accounts are no longer affiliated.
In general, you should not delete the history of your constituents, including any affiliation records. If two accounts are no longer affiliated, we recommend editing the affiliation record and setting Status to Inactive. This preserves the history of the relationship between accounts, and removes it from any views or reports that show active affiliations. Deleting a affiliation record is appropriate if the record was created in error.
From an account, in the Parent Affiliations or Child Affiliations related lists, click Del on the affiliation you would like to delete.
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