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Enable New Affiliations Experience in Community Hub

In orgs where Nimble AMS was installed prior to the Winter '17 release, administrators can enable an enhanced affiliation experience for your constituents in Community Hub.

  1. Update menu items:
    1. Remove the Edit Company Roster and My Company Roster menu items:

      Contact Nimble AMS Support to complete these steps.

      1. From Setup, enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Metadata Types.
      2. Click Manage Records next to Navigation Menu Item.
      3. Click Del next to Edit Company Profile.
      4. Click Del next to My Company Roster.

      If you do not want to delete the menu items right way, but do not want users to see only the new menu item, you can hid the menu items for the old affiliations pages using Community Hub Setup.

    2. Rearrange the My Affiliations menu item:
      1. In the App Menu, select Community Hub Setup.
      2. In the tab bar, click Navigation.
      3. In Navigation to configure:, select the Account menu.
      4. Click and hold the vertical ellipses next to My Affiliations.
      5. Drag the menu item to the desired position and release it.
  2. Enable the Affiliation Removal Reason Specified workflow:
    1. From Setup, enter Workflow & Approvals in the Quick Find box, then select Workflow Rules.
    2. Click Activate next to Affiliation Removal Reason Specified.
  3. Customize the SnapshotAffiliations Card on the Personal Snapshot page:
    1. Customize the CompanyAffiliations field set:
      1. From Setup, click Customize | Accounts, click Field Sets.
      2. Click Edit next to the SnapshotCompany field set and take note of the fields.
      3. From Setup, click Create | Objects
      4. Click Affiliations.
      5. In the Field Sets section, click Edit next to the Company Affiliations field set.
      6. In the pallet, in the left hand side, click Parent Account.
      7. Click and drag the previously noted fields into the In the Field Set area. The first field in the field set is displayed on the card as a heading.

      8. Click Save.
    2. Change the SnapshotCompanyCard card to be SnapshotAffiliations:
      1. In the App Menu, select Community Hub Setup.
      2. In the tab bar, click Pages.
      3. In Page to configure:, select Personal Snapshot.

      4. In Add A Card..., select New Card.
      5. In Type, select SnapshotAffiliations.

      6. In Buttons, deselect Add My Company and select Add Affiliation SnapshotCompany Profile, and My Affiliations.
      7. Click Save.
      8. Click Remove next to the SnapshotCompanyCard card.
  4. Customize new pages
    There are several new Community Hub pages that replace pages used in the classic affiliation experience. If you have customized the classic affiliation experience you will want to learn about these new pages and consider moving any customizations, such as field and card additions, to the new pages. If you have not customized the classic affiliation experience, no action is needed.
    1. Replace the Add My Company page:
      On the Add My Company page, constituents could enter company information and billing information to search for an existing company or create a company. This page is replaced by:
      • The Add Affiliation page, where constituents can search for an existing company first
      • The Create New Company page where constituents can enter information to create a new company if it doesn't already exist
      1. Customize the Add Affiliation page:
        1. On the Add Affiliation page, constituents can search for and affiliate themselves to an existing company—something that used to be done on the Add My Company page—or click Create New Company to be taken to the Create New Company page.
        2. Administrators can customize the fields constituents use to search for a company, as well as the fields displayed in the search results.
      2. Customize the Create New Company page:
        1. On the Create New Company page, constituents can enter information for and create a new company—something that used to be done on the Add My Company page—and an affiliation to that company.
        2. Administrators can customize the company demographics collected when constituents create a new company, as well as any affiliation information. We recommend you move custom demographic cards or fields previously used on the Add My Company page to the Create New Company page. 
    2. Replace the Add to Roster page:
      On the Add to Roster page, company mangers could enter an individual's information to search for an existing individual or create a new individual. This page is replaced by the Add Individual page, where company managers can search for an existing individual first, and the Create New Individual page where company managers can enter information to create a new individual if their account doesn't already exist.
      1. Customize the Add Individual page:
        1. On the Add Individual page, company managers can search for and affiliate their company to an existing individual account—something that used to be done on the Add to Roster page—or click Create New Individual to be taken to the Create New Individual page.
        2. Administrators can customize the fields company managers use to search for an individual, as well as the fields displayed in the search results.
      2. Customize the Create New Individual page:
        1. On the Create New Individual page, company managers can enter information for and create a new individual—something that used to be done on the Add to Roster page—and an affiliation to that individual.
        2. Administrators can customize the company demographics collected when company managers create a new individual, as well as any affiliation information. We recommend you move custom demographic cards or fields previously used on the Add to Roster page to the Create New Individual page.
    3. Replace the View Roster page:
      On the View Roster page, company mangers could view individuals affiliated with their company. This page is replaced by the Company Roster page, where company managers can can view the affiliations for their company as well as the affiliations for company locations.
      1. Customize the Company Roster page:
        1. Administrators can customize the information shown on the Company rosters page, both on the company roster while browsing, and on the Affiliation Detail card where additional details are displayed. We recommend you move custom demographic fields previously used on the View Roster page to the Company Roster page.
    4. Replace the Remove From Company Page:
      On the Remove From Company page, company managers could remove an individual's affiliation with their company. This page is replaced by the End Affiliation page.
      1. Customize the End Affiliation Page:
        1. Administrators can customize the information that is collected when an affiliation is removed. We recommend you move custom demographic cards or fields previously used on the Remove From Company page to the End Affiliation page.
    5. Replace the Edit Contact Information page:
      On the Edit Contact Information page, company managers could edit a limited set of an affiliated constituent's profile information. This page is replaced by the Edit Individual page.
      1. Customize the Edit Individual page:
        1. Administrators can customize the individual profile information that can be changed by company managers. We recommend you move custom demographic cards or fields previously used on the Edit Contact Information page to the Edit Individual page.
    6. Replace the Company Profile page:
      On the Company Profile page, company managers could edit their company profile information. This page is replaced by the Company Profile page.
      1. Customize the Edit Company Page:
        1. Administrators can customize the individual profile information that can be changed by company managers. We recommend you move custom demographic cards or fields previously used on the Company Profile page to the Edit Company page.
      2. Customize the Company Snapshot page:
        1. The Company Snapshot page has been added to Community Hub so your constituents have a single place to view company information. We recommend that you look at any custom company demographic cards or fields on the Personal Snapshot or My Profile pages and consider moving this information to the Company Snapshot and Company Profile pages.

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