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Donations in the new Member Portal

There are so many ways that your members can show their support for a cause. One of the most impactful methods is through money that can be offered through our Nimble AMS Donations in the new Member Portal (Built on Experience Cloud) feature. The streamlined donation process not only facilitates spontaneous contributions but also amplifies donor participation, expanding the organization's reach and potentially boosting your revenue.

Through the modern interface, your donors can make either a one-time monetary contribution or choose to recur their contribution based on their preferences and the available frequency set by the association staff. They have the option to dedicate their support 'In memory of' or 'In honor of' someone. They can choose to donate as a guest or opt to log in. When donating as a guest, the system automatically provides an added layer of security through ReCaptcha to ensure a safer experience when submitting payment. Donations are a valuable source of revenue stream for your association, and we've made it easy for donors to express their support towards your organization's mission.



  • Modern and intuitive experience: Your donors have a quick and easy way to participate in your philanthropic activities that align with your mission. The modern interface allows them to easily contribute one-time or select their donation to recur at set intervals, thus removing any manual effort.

  • Easy discoverability: The easy-to-use, drag-and-drop Donations LWC allows you to create multiple donation opportunities thus maximizing your fundraising effort. You can easily add it to any page to allow your donors to discover the philanthropic opportunities more easily.

  • Maximizes your revenue through donations: We realize that monetary contributions to support your association's philanthropic activities are essential. Through our Donations in Member Portal feature, you will have a healthy balance of revenue that's not solely from membership dues.

  • Removes purchase barriers: Simplify and remove obstacles for your donors by not requiring them to log in or create an account to contribute. This encourages spontaneous giving, especially for first-time donors who may not have an account with the association.

Get Started Today

Request to be enrolled in a pilot through the "Enroll in a Pilot" section on our NimbleLand Pilots page. Select the Experience Cloud Member Portal option from the Features drop-down.

Make a donation as a logged-in or guest user of Experience Cloud

LWC- Donations

Experience Cloud Community Hub

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