Administrators can set the logo and address information shown on the affiliation roster and can customize the fields shown shown when viewing or printing the roster.
Logo or Address on the Affiliation Roster
The logo and address on the default entity are used on the affiliation roster. To change them, you can:
Change the Default Entity Logo
To update the logo of the default entity:
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Entities.
Select a list view or click the entity you would like to edit.
In Logo URL, enter the path to a publicly accessible image to be used as the logo.
We recommend you add this image as a public static resource (external) and ensure the image dimensions are no larger than 300px × 50px for visibility.
If you want staff to have access to the logo file, then your organization may choose to use the Document object. More information on how to upload or replace a document can be found in Salesforce help.
Click Save.
Update the Default Entity Address
To update the address of the default entity:
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Entities.
Select a list view—like All Active Entities—and click Go!
Click Edit next to the entity you want to modify.
In Street, enter the street address of the association headquarters.
In City, the city in which the association headquarters resides.
In State, the state in which the association headquarters resides.
In Postal Code, the zip/postal code of the association headquarters.
In Country, the country in which the association headquarters resides.
Click Save.
Change the Default Entity
To use a totally different entity as the default entity in Nimble AMS:
Changing the default entity will effect many areas of Nimble AMS. We recommend not changing your default entity unless you are configuring Nimble AMS for the first time.
From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
Under General Settings, in Default Entity, select the entity to be made default.
Click Save.
Fields when Viewing the Affiliation Roster
Change the fields staff view on the affiliation roster.
From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
Under General Settings, in Affiliation View Roster Field Set, select the field set on the Affiliation object containing the fields to display when viewing the affiliation roster.
Click Save.
Fields when Printing the Affiliation Roster
Change the fields displayed when staff print the affiliation roster.
From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
Under General Settings, in Affiliation Print Roster Field Set, select the field set on the Affiliation object containing the fields to display when printing the affiliation roster.
Click Save.
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