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Customize Information Flow Down

Administrators can customize the addresses that flow down from parent to child accounts. Administrators can also set whether or not to use asynchronous flow down of addresses and/or memberships for accounts with a set number of child affiliations.

Additionally, administrators can add the option to use a custom membership flow-down manager which can be used when setting up a membership type so all new memberships of that type use a custom flow down behavior.


These permissions are required or are best practice level permissions to prevent errors and ensure the Job Completion notification is sent.

Permission LevelTypePage/Permission Name
Read/View/Execute AccessApex ClassMembershipFlowdownNotificationController

Addresses to Flow Down

Designate which address information flows down from parent to child accounts. Address flow down will take the address field types listed in the flow down section of the Nimble AMS Installed Package and will either populate or update all related children under certain conditions - for example, if a child account does not have an address set up already, the information will automatically populate with the addresses of the parent, or if a child account shares the same address as a parent account already, this will automatically update with the flow down process any time the parent address is updated. However, if the child address is different, the flow down will not process the updates, as it will not affect unique values.

  1. From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
  2. Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
  3. Under General Settings, in Account Addresses To Flowdown, enter MailingOtherBillingShipping, or any combination of each, separated by commas. Example: Other,Billing,Shipping.

    The value(s) in this field corresponds to the Mailing Address,Billing AddressOther Address, and Shipping Address fields on the Account.

  4. Click Save.

Customize the Asynchronous Threshold

For orgs where Nimble AMS was installed after the Winter '19 release, or where asynchronous flow down has been enabled, you can customize the threshold for when flow down is handled in the background instead of immediately. We recommend you change the threshold if you're encountering Salesforce limits.

  1. From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
  2. Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
  3. Under General Settings, in Asynchronous Flowdown Threshold, enter a number that represents the threshold for the number of child affiliations an account might have for asynchronous membership and address flow down to be used. Membership and address flow down will be asynchronous for those accounts meeting or exceeding the threshold.

    The threshold set here can be unique to your association's needs and business process. We recommend a base threshold of 500-1000 and encourage you to learn more about what to consider when deciding on the value.

  4. In most cases, you should leave Asynchronous Flowdown Batch Size empty, as the default setting of 200 records in a batch is sufficient for most associations. If your association has a large number of company accounts with 20,000 or more child affiliations, contact your Nimble AMS customer success support to see if the batch size should be lowered.
  5. In Asynchronous Flowdown Recipient, enter the email address for the staff member or distribution list to be emailed every time asynchronous membership and address flow down executes.

    In addition to this email address, an email is also sent to any staff member who places a membership order or makes an address change for an account that meets the threshold.

Enable Asynchronous Flow Down

For orgs where Nimble AMS was installed before the Winter '19 release, or where asynchronous information flow down was only enabled for membership information, you can set your org to asynchronously flow down membership and address information for accounts with a defined number of affiliations.

    1. Enable asynchronous membership flow down and set how asynchronous membership and address flow down work for your association:
      1. From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
      2. Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
      3. Under Affiliation Count, click Execute.
      4. Under General Settings, in Asynchronous Flowdown Threshold, enter a number that represents the threshold for the number of child affiliations an account might have for asynchronous membership and address flow down to be used. Membership and address flow down will be asynchronous for those accounts meeting or exceeding the threshold.

        The threshold set here can be unique to your association's needs and business process. We recommend a base threshold of 500-1000 and encourage you to learn more about what to consider when deciding on the value.

      5. In most cases, you should leave Asynchronous Flowdown Batch Size empty, as the default setting of 200 records in a batch is sufficient for most associations. If your association has a large number of company accounts with 20,000 or more child affiliations, contact your Nimble AMS customer success support to see if the batch size should be lowered.
      6. In Asynchronous Flowdown Recipient, enter the email address for the staff member or distribution list to be emailed every time asynchronous membership and address flow down executes.

        In addition to this email address, an email is also sent to any staff member who places a membership order or makes an address change for an account that meets the threshold.

      7. Click Save.
    2. Enable asynchronous address flow down:
      1. From Setup, enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Metadata Types.
      2. Click Manage Records next to Tag for the Nimble AMS installed package.
      3. Click Edit next to AsyncAddressFlowdown.
      4. Select Is Active.
      5. Click Save.
    3. Optionally, to give staff a quick count of how many child affiliations an account has, add a field to the Account page layout.
      1. From Setup, enter Accounts in the Quick Find box, then select Page Layouts.
      2. Click Edit next to Account Layout.
      3. Add Total Affiliated Accounts to the page.
      4. Click Save.
      5. Repeat these steps for any custom Account page layouts.

        You may also need to give any custom profiles permission to view this field.

Manage the Asynchronous Membership Flow Down Queue

View the number of asynchronous membership flow-down batches to be processed and rerun any Apex jobs—that process the batches—that may have failed due to an incorrect validation rule, row locking, or failed flow.

  • View how many batches are in the asynchronous membership flow-down queue:
    1. Click on Setup (gear icon) from the top-right of the page.

    2. Enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
    3. Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
    4. Under Asynchronous Flowdown, you will see the number of item(s) in the queue.

  • Automate the re-run for the failed batch in the asynchronous membership flow-down queue:

    Click here to expand steps...
    1. From Setup, enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Metadata Types.
    2. Click Manage Records next to Retry Job for the Nimble AMS installed package.
    3. Click Edit next to AsyncMembershipFlowdown.
    4. Change the value of Retry Attempts field.

      Here you can set the number of times a job needs to be enqueued, after failing. We recommend having a value equal or less than 2.

    5. Click Save.
  • View the running or past asynchronous membership flow down Apex jobs that process each batch:
    • From Setup, enter Jobs in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Jobs.
    • In the list of Apex jobs, look for the AsyncMembershipFlowdown job.

  • Staff users can configure the Asynchronous Membership Flow Down Queue to skip the failed jobs and process the other queues.

    Show Me How Its Done
    1. Click on Setup (gear icon) from the top-right of the page.

    2. Enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find Box, then select Custom Metadata Types. 
    3. Click Manage Records next to the Tag of Nimble AMS.

    4. Click Edit next to Skip Failed Async Membership Flowdown.

    5. Select Is Active.

    6. Click Save.

    Expected Result

    A failed Asynchronous Membership Flow Down job should be bypassed after the predetermined number of retries, and any newly generated/scheduled asynchronous jobs should proceed to process.

Custom Membership Flow Down Manager Option

Create a new option in the Flowdown Manager Class field so you can use a custom membership Flow Down behavior for a certain membership type.

  1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
  2. In the Custom Objects list, click Membership Type.
  3. In the Custom Fields & Relationships list, click Flowdown Manager Class.
  4. In the Picklist Value Set section, click New.
  5. In the text area, enter the name of the custom custom Flow Down Manager Apex class.

    Your custom information flow down manager should implement the IMembershipFlowdownManager2 interface.

  6. Click Save
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