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Company Roster Page

On the Company Roster page, company managers can view the affiliations for their company as well as the affiliations for company locations.

Company Options

A message is shown at the top of the page letting company mangers know the company for which they are viewing the roster. On this message card, company managers can click Actions and use the following options:

  • Add Affiliation which takes them to the Add Affiliation page where they can add a location below their company.
  • Add Individual which takes them to the Add Individual page where they can add an individual to their company.


Company managers are free to browse through the company roster which shows up to ten records at a time, and they can click to view the next ten and so on. Each affiliation on the roster displays an icon designating whether it's an individual or location and visual "chips" indicating how the individual or location is affiliated along with a menu button with options.


To find an affiliation quickly, company mangers can also search for the full or partial name of an affiliated individual or location. When searching for a location, the search results include the company location as well as any individuals affiliated with the location.

Viewing an Affiliation

When company managers want to view more information for an individual or location, they can click Add Affiliation and Add Individual to display the Affiliation Detail card. The Affiliation Detail card displays an icon designating whether it's an individual or location, visual "chips" indicating how the individual or location is affiliated, and additional demographic information of your choosing.

On small screens—like a phone—the Affiliation Detail card displays over top of the Company Roster page and on large screens—like a tablet or desktop—the card displays to the right of the roster.

Individual Options

In addition to viewing individuals on the roster, company managers can also click the ellipses and use the following options:

  • Edit Individual which takes them to the Edit Individual page where they can can edit the individual's information.
  • Remove which takes them to the End Affiliation page where they can can end their company's affiliation with the individual.

Location Options

In addition to viewing locations on the roster, company managers can also click the ellipses and use the following options:

  • Edit Location which takes them to the Edit Company page where they can edit location information.
  • Manage Roster which takes them to the Company Roster page where they can manage the the roster for a location.
  • Company Profile you can expand the Company which takes them to the Edit Company page where they can view the snapshot for a location.
  • Add Individual which takes them to the Add Individual page where they can add an individual to the location.
  • Add Location which takes them to the Add Affiliation page where they can add a location below the location.
  • Remove which takes them to the End Affiliation page where they can can end their company's affiliation with the location.

Page Information

Company Roster
Heading LabelCompanyRoster
Description LabelManageYourCompanyRoster

Cards on the Page

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